
Monday, November 12, 2012

Random things for your Monday

First, I spent the majority of the weekend by myself since Josh went to the Iowa vs. Purdue game. And when I say I spent it by myself I mean I spent it with Channing Tatum since he is some sort of all-star on Starz right now. So I watched 21 Jump Street and then The Vow. Verdict according to me, 21 Jump Street: better than expected; The Vow: meh.

Also, Justin Timberlake is making the rounds on Starz. Friends with Benefits > No Strings Attached.

Dexter and I were flipping through the Land of Nod catalog, yes, both of us. He sat down with me and we read it like a book. A book that you can scream and point at page after page. Him, not me. Well, maybe a little me since there are some pricey gems in that store, yipes! Anyway, we came to the music page and I was pointing out each instrument and said, "Look, a xylophone" to which he responded with putting his hand to his ear and saying, "hello?" Gah, kid, you are just the cutest.

I really didn't want to like Bruno Mars. Don't ask me why. Maybe it was the hair? I don't know. In any case, I got over my aversion to him and am enjoying his new song.

Captain Underpants books and any other books that have misspelled words as part of their charm are irritating. 

My feet are toasty warm in my new slippers. An early Christmas present from Joshie.
84 cent nail polish is 84 cent nail polish and it shows.

I enjoyed this TEDtalk found here.   

Happy Monday.

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