
Friday, August 31, 2012

to eat, to watch, to listen

Happy Friday and three day weekend! Woo, get crazy! We'll be spending time with family and friends this weekend. I plan on rocking every one of my favorite summer outfits. I hope that treating this as a final hurrah for summer will entice the heat to break. It was a whopping 100 degrees today! I hate the winter snow and ice but this heat is a little ridiculous.What are you up to this weekend?

To eat:
Josh whipped up a batch of homemade donuts last Sunday using a roll of the Pillsbury Biscuit dough we had hanging out in the bottom of our deep freeze. Good grief, I love this guy.I ate them for breakfast the rest of the week.

And as if that wasn't enough to satisfy the junk food monster in me, I tried the cake balls at Creme Cupcake and they are life changing, friends. Do it.  

To watch:

I spotted this trailer on Cup of Jo last week. Andy Samberg and Rashida Jones? Good call!

To listen:

Maybe I've been living under a rock or something but I totally didn't realize that Scarlet Johansson had such a good voice. Was that a backhanded compliment? Anyway, I've really been loving this song. Brought to my attention from this blog and now here for your listening pleasure.

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